Transparency International Kenya Launches Five Year Plan

Transparency International Kenya has launched its strategic plan for the next five years 2017 – 2022. The strategy, Concept of Action 2017 – 2022, is anchored on four key pillars. These are Public Accountability; Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks; Social Justice and Economic Accountability; and Institutional Development.

Through these pillars TI-Kenya seeks to empower the public to be responsive and effective in holding duty bearers to account, while facilitating the existence of supportive policy, legal and institutional frameworks for anti-corruption interventions. TI-Kenya will also push for effective implementation of established anti-corruption regulatory frameworks, prevention of the reversal of related hard-won gains, in addition to addressing capacity challenges within various accountability institutions. Additionally, we will also address growing cases of inequity in the distribution of public resources and opportunities.

TI-Kenya recognises that the sustained rise in the level of corruption calls for a change of strategy, if we are to succeed in turning the tide against the vice. This Strategic Plan (2017 – 2022) outlines the strategies and actions that TI-Kenya will undertake to address the noted challenges. We seek specially to contribute to the realisation of national priorities and global commitments.

TI-Kenya has a well-defined organizational identity as outlined below.

Vision Statement

A corruption-free Kenya

Mission Statement

To champion the fight against corruption by promoting integrity, transparency

and accountability at all levels.

Core Values:

TI-Kenya is guided by the following ideals:

  1. Justice: We believe everyone deserves fair access to opportunities, resources and rights TI- Kenya thus supports actions that deepen equity, inclusion and respect for all forms of diversity and independence of institutions.
  2. Unity: We are committed to organisational teamwork, and strategically cooperate with all relevant external actors across sectors and levels to achieve our mission.
  3. Integrity: We consistently hold ourselves to the highest level of moral and ethical uprightness and truthfulness. We are committed to judicious and open management of resources and processes.
  4. Courage: We stand for what is right and just for society, regardless of the consequences. We dare to travel unchartered paths, and if necessary, openly challenge the status quo.
  5. Excellence: We strive for the highest standards of ethical and professional rigour, and to continual improvement of self and service.




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