TI-Kenya holds Periodic stakeholders meeting

TI-Kenya facilitated a Court Users Committee (CUC) meeting with members of the CUC anti-corruption taskforce at Sirikwa Hotel. TI-Kenya chairs the anti-corruption taskforce which is a unit within the CUC that addresses issues around anti-corruption in the courts, and issues that are corruption related that lead to non-access of justice in the county.

The activity took place as a follow up to a previous anti-corruption task force meeting that saw TI-Kenya nominated as the lead organization. During the forum the role of the taskforce, as well as the role the police and the Judiciary can play in eradicating corruption were reviewed.

As a matter of practice, the police noted that they will take active part in informing their juniors through police station parades on how they can participate in the fight against corruption. Also, part of the discussion was the process of receiving and processing complaints and feedback from members of the public

As a way forward, it was agreed that the Judiciary and the police should be engaged in public awareness campaigns to sensitize members of the public on anti-corruption work. The principal judge and Magistrates in attendance indicated that were willing to take part in radio talk shows and community sensitization events.


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