TI-Kenya uses advocacy as a signature approach which is complemented by other approaches including research, partnerships development, capacity building and civic engagement. TI-Kenya strategic approach involve:

  • Working with public Institutions in its Governance Strengthening Programme to focus on water, education, humanitarian aid, climate finance governance, the police and extractive industries.
  • Undertaking policy and legislation advocacy through working on monitoring campaign financing, Whistle Blower activities, witness protection, monitoring political parties and public appointments and parliamentary approval of Acts.
  • Engaging civic society in its capacity building programme to ensure that there is improved capacity to fight corruption and associated vices.

In addition, Internally, TI-Kenya is working to improve the design and implementation of programmes through enhancement of its capacity to design and implement programmes that are of high quality and implemented in a timely manner as well as respond to the critical needs of citizens. In addition TI seeks to improve knowledge management which is central to their work and also strengthen monitoring & evaluation to ensure development of an M&E system that is versatile and able to measure and demonstrate results at different levels. Lastly, they are also working to strengthen financial management to ensure that all staff understand the system and take advantage of the opportunities it presents to enhance financial management efficiency and effectiveness.

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