TI-Kenya Joins the World in Commemorating International Anti-Corruption Day 2021

TI-Kenya Staff showcasing some our works at the International Anti-Corruption Day 2021


Globally, the International Anti-Corruption Day has been observed on 9th December annually, since the passage of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in 2003. The commemoration aims to raise awareness on corruption and of the role of the Convention in combating and preventing the vice.

In Kenya, Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya), under the National Integrity Alliance (NIA), Kenya Leadership Integrity Forum (KLIF), and other partners commemorated this year’s International Anti-Corruption Day with a series of week-long activities including, Anti-Corruption Caravan, Media engagements, Public forums, and conducting Corruption Risk Assessment in Mombasa and Isiolo Counties.

Speaking at MamaNgina Waterfront in Mombasa during the commemoration, TI-Kenya Executive Director, Sheila Masinde urged Kenyans to Vet and Vote wisely in next years’ general elections by- rejecting individuals seeking public office that have been convicted or have pending corruption and economic crimes cases, and those who have acted in breach of the leadership and integrity tenets as enshrined in Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

TI-Kenya Executive Director, Sheila Masinde, speaking at Mama Ngina Waterfront in Mombasa during the commemoration.

“Kenyans should be aware that if corrupt individuals are not prevented from ascending to public office, then citizens’ desires for leadership that will provide solutions will remain a pipe dream.” Said Ms. Masinde, adding that the establishment of a robust ethical framework for our elections is not complete without the enforcement of the campaign financing law to prevent the use of dirty, illicitly acquired money for campaigns.

This years’ International Anti-Corruption Day sought to highlight the rights and responsibilities of everyone – including States, Government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia, the public and youth – in tackling corruption.

The culmination of the events marked in Momabsa and Isiolo counties brought together stakeholders, international partners and members of the public in order to raise public awareness of the evils of corruption and to foster public support in the fight against graft.

Read joint press statement on International Anti-Corruption Day here.



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