Action For Transparency Media Training

Exciting Opportunity for Aspiring Investigative and Data Journalists!

A 3-month Grant and mentorship program will be offered for the 10 best journalists after the training.

Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) through the Action for Transparency(A4T) Project has partnered with USIU-Africa, to conduct training for journalists in Nairobi. The training aims to empower journalists with skills to investigate cases of suspected corruption or mismanagement of public funds and analyze financial/budgetary information to reveal gaps affecting the health and education sectors. Journalists will undergo training from 28th to 30th November 2017 at United States International University (USIU-Africa), in Nairobi.

TI-Kenya in partnership with Swedish based Fojo Media Institute, is implementing the Nairobi based A4T project that is using technology, aided by an empowered citizenry, to strengthen democratic accountability and transparency in Kenya through citizen monitoring of government expenditure.

Journalists wishing to take part in this training (free of charge) should Apply Here, by providing all required information and a story idea that they wish to pursue.

Deadline for Application is 14th November 2017.


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