Address By Mrs Bernadette Musundi, Chair of the Board of Directors, Transparency International Kenya, During The Launch Of The Strategic Plan On 29th November 2017

The Chief Guest, the Ambassador of Sweden to Kenya, H.E Anna Jardfelt

Members of Transparency International Kenya, Members of the Board of Directors

All Invited Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning

It is a great honour to address you as we launch Transparency International Kenya’s Strategic Plan for the period 2017 to 2022. I am honored to preside over this launch in the first year of my tenure as Chair of TI Kenya.

We have come a long way since the establishment of TI-Kenya in 1999 and have driven the recognition of corruption as a major challenge in our country. We have raised public awareness of its devastating effects; we have assisted victims of corruption through our Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres; and influenced policies, laws and practice at the national and county level through our advocacy for systemic change.

In the last five years, TI-Kenya implemented several interventions aimed at addressing corruption in the Education, Health, Humanitarian Aid, Climate Governance, Police, Land and the Extractive sectors. These have laid a firm foundation in strengthening the capacity of individuals and institutions in the fight against corruption. The new strategy builds on this foundation.

Despite these efforts, corruption continues to grip this country largely due to the high level of impunity. TI-Kenya recognises that the sustained rise in the level of corruption calls for a change of strategy, if we are to succeed in turning the tide against the vice.

In the next five years, we seek to engage with the public more widely and robustly, partnering and empowering Kenyans to be responsive and effective in holding duty bearers to account.  We will facilitate the existence of supportive policy, legal and institutional frameworks for anti-corruption interventions, in addition to addressing capacity challenges within various accountability institutions. Additionally, we will address growing cases of inequity in the distribution of public resources and opportunities. We will continue to work with concerned citizens, the civil society, and leaders in the public and private sectors towards a country where the corrupt are frowned upon and punished.

We cannot deliver on our promises without being fit for purpose. We have done an introspection, towards enhancing our institutional strength, relevance, effectiveness and sustainability by building on existing strengths while addressing the existing gaps.

Guided by our core values of justice, unity, integrity, courage and excellence, TI-Kenya will work towards A Corruption Free Kenya. The task ahead of us is colossal, but it’s one we will never shy away from. We believe we can count on all of you here to walk this journey with us.

In the course of developing this plan, we have gained a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. We have been invigorated by deliberations with various stakeholders and the commitment they have expressed towards the fight against corruption. Success in the fight against corruption will be a result of collective action. We thus look forward to another five years of working together with all stakeholders in turning the tide against corruption.


Thank you.


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