What: International Anti-Corruption Day 2021

Who: Transparency International Kenya and Partners

When:  9th December 2021

Where: Mombasa and Isiolo Counties

Activities for the commemoration

  • 7th December 2021: Radio talkshow on Sauti Ya Pwani FM, 8:00 AM – 9: 00 AM
  • 7th December 2021: Public Forum at Tononoka social hall from 9:00 AM – Mombasa
  • 8th December 2021: Radio Talkshow on Bahari FM from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • 8th December 2021: Ongoing corruption risk assessment in Mombasa and Isiolo counties
  • 8th December 2021: Western Region coalition partners forum to discuss accountability gaps in service delivery in their respective counties – Kisumu
  • 9th December 2021: Accountability forum in partnership with Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) and Kisumu County Assembly- Kisumu
  • 10th December 2021: Forum with County Assembly Representative Networks Against Corruption (CARNAC) -Kakamega Chapter to deliberate on their roles in the Fight Against Corruption – Kisumu

For more information click here

For more information on the celebration in Kenya, click here