Research Publications

Policy Recommendation on Land and Corruption in Kenya2020Land CorruptionTI-Kenya Policy Recommendations on Land and Corruption in KenyaThe report addresses gaps in legal and institutional frameworks and gives detailed recommendations on how to address these gaps.
Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) Kenya Report 2018Business IntegrityBusiness Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) Kenya ReportThe Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) is an initiative of Transparency International (TI) developed both to enhance national level business integrity and to create a body of evidence on business integrity in various countries. BICA is a widely shared agenda for reform and acts as a collective momentum towards enhanced business integrity among key stakeholders.
CREATE_Afghanistan Report2017HumanitarianCREATE Afghanistan ReportThis case study is part of Transparency International’s CREATE (Collective Resolution for Enhanced
Accountability and Transparency in Emergencies) project, which is supported by funding from the
Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
Kenya's Task Force on Anti-corruption For REDD+2017Climate GovernanceKenya's Task Force on Anti-corruption for REDKenya's Task Force on Anti-corruption For REDD+
A Tale of Four Funds2017Climate GovernanceA Tale of Four FundsBest practices of multilateral trust funds in safeguarding climate finance from corruption and waste
CREATE_Lebanon Report2017HumanitarianCREATE_Lebanon ReportThis case study is part of Transparency International’s CREATE (Collective Resolution for Enhanced
Accountability and Transparency in Emergencies) project, which is supported by funding from the
Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
CREATE_Guinea Report2017HumanitarianCREATE_ Guinea ReportThis case study is part of Transparency International’s CREATE (Collective Resolution for Enhanced
Accountability and Transparency in Emergencies) project, which is supported by funding from the
Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
CREATE_Somalia-Report2017HumanitarianCREATE_ Somalia ReportThis case study is part of Transparency International’s CREATE (Collective Resolution for Enhanced
Accountability and Transparency in Emergencies) project, which is supported by funding from the
Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
Corruption Risk Assessment in Mining Awards, 2017; A Focus on Kitui, Kwale and Taita Taveta Counties 2017Natural Resources Corruption Risk Assessment in Mining Awards - Kenya, 2017The Corruption Risk Assessment identified a total of Eighteen (18) risks which are likely to occur in the award process. The risks broadly focused on gaps in the legal and policy framework, access to information, public participation processes, institutional capacity
concerns among others.
CREATE_Synthesis Report2017HumanitarianCREATE_ Synthesis ReportThis case study is part of Transparency International’s CREATE (Collective Resolution for Enhanced
Accountability and Transparency in Emergencies) project, which is supported by funding from the
Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
Kenya Police Service Satisfaction Survey 20162016PoliceKenya Police Service Satisfaction Survey 2016 The report is a compilation of feedback received from citizens in Nairobi and Kisumu counties with regard to their levels of satisifaction with the services that are rendered by police stations, police posts and patrol bases within their neighbourhood.
The Kenya County Governance Status Report 20162016DevolutionTI-Kenya_County Governance Status Report_2016The Constitution provides for citizen's engagement in county governance through public participation mechanisms to demand and enhance transparency and accountability amongst the various leaders. TI-Kenya conducted a research to assess the status of governance based on these indicators. Data collection was conducted between the 22nd of June and 2nd September 2016 interviews using questionnaires that were administered through face to face interviews
Report of the Review of the Anti-Corruption Provisions in the National Police Service's Basic Training Course Syllabus and Regulations, 20112016Police Report of the Review of the Anti-Corruption Provisions in the National Police Service's Basic Training Course Syllabus and Regulations, 2011This is a review of the Anti-Corruption Provisions in the National Police Service's Basic Training Course Syllabus and Regulations, 2011
Corruption Risk Assessment Report of the Education Sector in Turkana County2014EducationTI-Kenya_Corruption Risk Assessment_Education Sector Turkana County_2014Education is a social and economic right for all human beings. It is recognised as a key determinant in human development as it leads to increased capacity to access more opportunities and enhance economic status. Unequal opportunities in access to education have long-term consequences that include inter-generational persistence of poverty. The level of education of the household head is a key determinant of future earnings, child health, and other social and economic outcomes. Higher educational attainment across all segments of the population should enhance participation in the labour market, increase economic growth and ensure more equitable distribution of income in the long term.

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