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Nairobi, Kenya – 23rd January 2020: Kenya has obtained a score of 28 out of 100 in the global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International today, a score which is below the global average score of 43 and the Sub-Saharan average score of 32. Since 2012, Kenya has

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Impacts of climate change continue to increase in magnitude and frequency. This is why financial support becomes increasingly important to reduce vulnerability and build resilience of communities in Kenya against these impacts. The Adaptation Fund has been instrumental in supporting interventions that help communities to cushion the impacts of climate

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Nairobi, Kenya – 29th January 2019: Kenya has dropped one point in the global Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released by Transparency International today. The country has obtained a score of 27 out of 100 a decline from 28 points scored in 2017 (with zero perceived to be highly corrupt, and

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Transparency International Kenya has released the findings of the Traffic Legislation Gaps and Drivers of Corruption in Traffic Matters Report. The report is a compilation of feedback received from key stakeholders in the transport sector including, but not limited to, the National Police Service, Nairobi Traffic Marshalls, long distance truck

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By Kevin Mabonga Transparency International Kenya has published a report on forceful evictions and corruption in the land sector in Kenya. The report, 'Forceful Evictions: An Intersection Between Corruption, Land and Human Rights' by Samuel Kimeu and Benjamin Maina, explores how the rampant corrupt practices in the land sector has a close interlink