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TI-Kenya’s ALAC-Western in partnership with the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission(EACC) trained Busia county Executive officials on Local Integrity System(LIS) establishment on 21st and 22nd June 2018 in Kisumu. The training aimed at strengthening accountability mechanisms at the County level. During the training, action plans during the previous LIS engagements were reviewed,

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TI-Kenya’s ALAC Eldoret team held a joint learning and reflection workshop for Trans Nzoia and Elgeyo Marakwet counties in Eldoret on 19th July, 2018. The activity targeted to give an opportunity for the health stakeholders from the two counties to interact, share their experiences and learn from each other with the

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TI-Kenya’s ALAC Mombasa team conducted  civic education forums and legal aid clinics in Kwale County to empower citizens in the fight against land corruption. The forums were held from  16th to 22nd  July 2018 in Tiwi, Kasemeni, Taru, Samburu and Ramisi. This was done through civic engagement, citizen empowerment and the involvement of key stakeholders

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Transparency International Kenya organised a 2-day training workshop on communicating climate change and climate governance for journalists. The training, which targeted  journalists from both mainstream and community media, aimed at enhancing the capacity of journalists and communicators on reporting climate change, climate governance and corruption issues was held on 25th and

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By Kevin Mabonga Transparency International Kenya supported the Good Governance Reporting Award during the 2018 Annual Journalism Excellence Awards (AJEA) held on 3rd August 2018 in Nairobi. John Kamau of the Daily Nation won the Print Category while Wellingtone Nyongesa of Radio Maisha bagged the Radio category. The TV Category went

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Transparency International Kenya is concerned about the commitment of the President and Parliament to the enforcement of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya. In a statement released on 23rd July 2018, TI-Kenya faults the the President for nominating Dr. Ben Chumo as Chairperson of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission considering his

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11 July, 2018 Dear African Union leaders, Transparency International and its 28 chapters in Africa applaud the African Union (AU) for earmarking July 11 as African Anti-Corruption Day and dedicating 2018 to the fight against corruption. The impact of corruption on the continent’s economic development is visible and cannot be underestimated. Corruption is not a victimless

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To sustain the level of commitment in combating corruption, the Assembly of the African Union declared 2018 as “the African Anti-Corruption Year”. The year will be celebrated under the theme: ‘Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation’. To solidify the continent’s political commitment towards a corrupt free,