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TI-Kenya trained TI Uganda on the handbook on land corruption risk mapping tool on 5th March 2018 and subsequent field visits held from 6th to 10th March 2018 at Mityana and Mubende Districts. Mary Maneno from TI-Kenya facilitated the sessions. The training aimed to equip TI Uganda staff with knowledge on

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Those involved in corrupt dealings should be punished and efforts be made to recover stolen resources. Speaking on Citizen TV on 21st May 2018 over the NYS Scandal, Transparency International Kenya Executive Director Samuel Kimeu said that it was unfortunate that the country is being looted in a way that has

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Parliament in exercise of its legislative mandate enacted the Public Audit Act which was assented on 18th December 2015, the Act had a commencement date of 1st January 2016. The Act had serious ramifications on the proper functioning of the Auditor General as envisioned in the Constitution. It had proposals that could have

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We bring to the notice of all concerned that Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) has a merit-based employee selection practice. We do not charge / accept any amount of money from job seekers during the selection process or while inviting candidates for an interview. We have noticed fake job offers from accounts