Corruption affects almost every sector and public service institution in Kenya. In the 2017 – 2022 period, TI-Kenya will focus on the following strategic areas: Public Accountability; Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks; Social and Economic Accountability and  Institutional Development.


Strategic Focus Area 1: Public Accountability 

This strategic pillar is concerned primarily with addressing the waning levels of accountability by public leaders and citizens, demonstrated amongst others through growing levels of impunity; politicisation and devolution of corruption; and the diminishing will to fight corruption. The overall objective will be to increase the number of responsive and accountable citizens and leaders through promoting civic engagement and leadership integrity.

Strategic Focus Area 2:Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks

This strategic pillar seeks to contribute to the existence of a conducive operating environment for effective public accountability. It will address challenges in the operationalisation of the CoK 2010, various anti-corruption laws and policies; capacity challenges within institutions charged with the fight against corruption; and backlash from corrupt individuals/corruption cartels. The overall objective of the focus areas is ‘to support the existence and enforcement of appropriate policy, legal and institutional frameworks through influencing, coalition building, and capacity development’.

Strategic Focus Area 3: Social and Economic Accountability 

Social and economic transparency and accountability are key tenets of democratic governance11 . This pillar will focus on addressing growing cases of corruption and inequity in distribution of public resources and opportunities, which together with past injustices and feelings of exclusion have contributed to heightening levels of intolerance and negative ethnicity in Kenya. It is thus critical for institutions concerned with public accountability such as TI-Kenya to contribute to addressing these challenges, amongst others strengthen inclusion and social cohesion. The overall objective of this strategic pillar is ‘to contribute to greater social justice12 and economic accountability at all levels through advocacy and development/promotion of supportive systems.

Strategic Focus Area 4: Institutional Development

This strategic pillar is inward looking and will mainly focus on the internal organisational wellbeing of TI-Kenya. It seeks to build on existing organisational strengths while addressing the capacity gaps that emerged from the SWOT analysis and previous organisational capacity assessments (OCAs). The overall objective of this pillar is to enable TIKenya to consolidate its position as a ‘dynamic, relevant, effective and resilient institution’.