Reporting of Corruption Incidents Remains Low in East Africa

Many East Africans do not report bribery incidents they encounter. According to the East Africa Bribery Index 2017 launched on 31st August 2017 in Kampala, Uganda, only 10% of respondents reported the incidents of bribery they encountered to any authority. While majority attributed this to lack of action taken to resolve corruption complaints, 21% acknowledged being beneficiaries of the transaction thus finding it difficult to report.

The EABI is an annual survey that seeks to record bribery experiences of citizens who seek public services. Since 2010, the survey has been carried out in the five East African countries; Kenya Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The public services surveyed by the index include security services (the Police), Judiciary, Medical and Health Services, local government services, utilities (water and electricity), registry and licensing services (Civil Registration and Business Licensing) education, Tax and Land Services.

Level of Bribery High

The findings of the survey reaffirm that bribery is still a key concern in the region.

Additionally, majority of respondents from Kenya (83%) and Uganda (81%) described the level of corruption in their respective countries as high. Those from Rwanda (61%) described the level of corruption as low while the largest proportion of those from Tanzania (44%) described it as medium.

The Survey, done between January and March 2017, targeted citizens aged 18 years and above with face to face interviews being conducted in different households. Data was collected through direct interviews with recipients of public services in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. The 2017 index introduced a perception question on performance of various state and non-state actors in the fight against corruption. A total of 9,533 respondents in Kenya (2,398) Uganda (2,008), Tanzania (2,754) and Rwanda (2,373) participated in the survey.

The EABI 2017 recommends the need for political goodwill to combat corruption, supported by strong and consistent action against persons implicated in corruption. Other recommendations include strengthening the capacity of various institutions of governance to deal with corruption, digitisation of services, as well as strengthening enforcement agencies.

TI Kenya and partners in East Africa will be reaching out to institutions with an aim of conducting institutional integrity studies to identify systematic weaknesses that may predispose an institution to corrupt practices.

Click to download the East Africa Bribery Index 2017



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