TI-Kenya holds community sensitization forums

TI-Kenya held community sensitization forums at Cherangany and Amuka Sub-counties in Trans Nzoia Counties. The forums were carried out to sensitize members of the public on their roles in pushing for the uptake of social audit recommendations by the respective county governments and highlight health issues that will be addressed through administrative petitions.

The social audit recommendations came as a result of a social audit carried out in 2016 by TI-Kenya in Trans Nzoia and Elgeyo Marakwet Counties. Trans Nzoia County lags behind in the implementation of these social audit recommendations. As a result, this phase of the project envisioned empowering members of the public on the recommendations and seeking input on what can be put in an administrative petition to the office of the CEC health.

These forums aided in sensitizing members of the public in pushing for the uptake of social audit recommendations by the county government and highlight health issues that need to be addressed through administrative petitions. From the forums it was realized that there is need for the county government to put more effort in ensuring there is improved service delivery in the county.

Some of the outcomes from the forums were that community members need to be sensitized more as we realized the county government is not doing more to offer civic education to the residents. Community members sensitization is critical as the government may not be doing enough to offer residents civic education.


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