Opinion Polls

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Opinion Pull: Pulling together to move forward - a national opinion poll on devolution and governance in KenyaJuly 2015Download2015 marks the third year of devolution which has seen counties establish key structures that are vital in
their smooth running. The establishment of the County Public Service Boards and County Assembly
Service Boards has allowed counties to hire required staff to enable them fulfil their mandate to the
public. Most counties have also set up offices at the ward level which have enabled them to reach
citizens at the grassroot levels. The Commission on Revenue Allocation earlier this year provided further
guidelines on the formation and functions of the County Budget and Economic Forums to increase
citizen participation in county processes. Despite these developments, there have been various resource
challenges leading to calls for an amendment of the Constitution in order to increase the funds allocated
to counties and review the functions under the purview of both governments.
Against this background, Transparency International Kenya designed a study aimed at tracking the
progress of devolution through the eyes of the public.
Opinion Poll: Is it my business a national opinion poll on devolution and governance in KenyaJune 2014DownloadKenyan promulgated a new Constitution in August 2010 which ushered in a new system of
governance with two levels of government that are distinct and inter-dependent. The system of
devolved governance has been under implementation since the general elections of March 2013.
Devolution has been heralded as a means of facilitating greater citizen involvement and control
in public affairs including planning, budgeting and resource allocation among others.
Devolution is heavily premised on a foundation of strong civilian oversight and engagement that
calls for the involvement of citizens in key county government processes. Therefore access to
information and public participation mechanisms need to be in place to anchor transparency and
accountability. To this end, Transparency International Kenya designed an opinion poll.
is it my business a national opinion poll on devolution in kenya ppt presentationJune 2014Download
stuck on a treadmill a national opinion poll to evaluate progress on the anti corruption agenda in the last decadeMay 2014Download
towards hazy horizons an opinion poll on implementation of devolution and governance reforms in kenyaSeptember 2013Download
Titleune 2016The Lebanon humanitarian aid integrity study on 15 June

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